Rajdeep Singh.

Rajdeep singh

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I'm a professional front-end developer and open-source contributor (2+ years) with 8+ years of experience, especially in typescript, Reactjs, Next.js, documentation management, and JavaScript.

I have contributed to various repositories/projects in the last few years. Some examples are nextjs, GitHub Explore, simple-icons, docsifyjs, material UI, etc. You can verify this on my GitHub/officialrajdeepsingh.

I'm 👀 looking for a long-term project based on typescript, Reactjs, Next.js, documentation management, and JavaScript. I even accept or try to work with new technology, which I have never tried.

Why You Should Hire ✅ Me:

  1. I have eight years of experience as a developer and have worked with different technologies throughout my front-end development journey.
  2. I can guide you on the best technology for your project and startup.
  3. I am confident working with documentation, ReactJS, and the NextJS ecosystem.


Front End: 




I hope my bio or description can assist you in getting to know me better. For a better understanding, feel free to contact me.

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